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The article presents a brief overview and a critical analysis of the emerging evidence in international literature regarding the use of audiovisual texts, with a focus on the didactic video to support professional medical education. The study of cognitive artifacts used in the representation of knowledge is not a new phenomenon, but with the Covid-19 emergency there has been renewed interest in this area of research. Evidence highlights how audiovisual texts can perform very diversified, rich and stimulating functions from a pedagogical point of view. In particular, a new direction of research on the significant role of the camera point of view (first person or subjective) in learning complex manual procedures is of great interest in the health professions. A number of critical issues are also clear.


Instructional Video Audiovisual Texts Procedural Knowledge Video and Medicine Subjective Shot Instructional Design Multimedia Learning

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How to Cite
Ganino, G. (2021). Empirical evidence and research perspectives on the use of didactic video: with a focus on the health professions. Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society, 17(2), 97-107.


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