Published: May 29, 2017

Learning from decades of online distance education: MOOCs and the Community of Inquiry framework

Dodzi Amemado, Stefania Manca
Read Statistic: 377

The synergy between Manipulative and Digital Artefacts in a Mathematics Teaching Activity: a co-disciplinary perspective

Eleonora Faggiano, Antonella Montone, Pier Giuseppe Rossi
Read Statistic: 505

Teachers´ Acceptance of Educational Video Games: a Comprehensive Literature Review

Antonio Sánchez-Mena, José Martí-Parreño
Read Statistic: 594

The Group e-portfolio to improve Teaching-Learning Process at University

Esteban Vázquez-Cano, Eloy López Meneses, Alicia Jaén Martínez
Read Statistic: 422

Approach to Study as an Indicator of the Quality of Teaching and of Learning Environment: the contribution of John Biggs

Massimiliano Barattucci
Read Statistic: 328

A Framework for Development of e-learning System for computer programming: Application in the C programming Language

Ivan Mustakerov, Daniela Ivanova Borissova
Read Statistic: 504

Employing Tablet Technology for Video Feedback in Physical Education Swimming Class

Rolf Kretschmann
Read Statistic: 903

Students’ Experiences, Learning Outcomes and Satisfaction in e-Learning

Chin Fei Goh, Choi Meng Leong, Kalsum Kasmin, Puong Koh Hii, Owee Kowang Tan
Read Statistic: 925

A model for Users Behavior Analysis and Forecasting in Moodle

Mario Manzo
Read Statistic: 285

Personality traits that differentiate Attendants of Higher-Education Online Courses

Federico R. León, Oswaldo Morales, Hugo Vértiz
Read Statistic: 369